2020 - Yuk year

Created by Mae 4 years ago

What a sad year!!!!!!

Covi came and locked down the world. Ann got COVID and mum took seriously ill.

Who would have known we were to say goodbye to mum. She was a trojan. She couldn't fight Leukemia but she was so dignified. 

We all miss you dad and now miss you both. We don't want to do life with out you both but sadly have no choice.

We are so pleased for you two as you do eternity together but the loss is too much.

We pray 2021 brings an end to COVID and  some joy in our life.

Thank you to you both for doing your best for us all. If God let's u have a glimpse of what is to come I am sure it will make you both smile. 

Miss you loads but we know we will see you in glory.one day. 

You two don't imagine what it is like up there now as you live eternally in His presence.

Til we meet again our mum and dad, grand and grandad and gran gran......... One day they will meet you dad 💙❤️💙💙